Thur, Oct 1 with Kenny
Kenny Frisby
1h 1m
"Dance of Bliss" - Class inspired by Shiva's Ananda Tandava or "dance of bliss". May it inspire us to keep moving and dancing through life's many struggles. Featuring deep heart openers like Shiva Natarajasana, crescent lunge, and king pigeon.
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Up Next in Kenny Frisby
Tues, Sept 29 with Kenny
"Anantasana" - Today's practice is inspired by the mythological serpent Ananta and its ability to remain calm in response to surface drama. Featuring "Anantasana" (aka Vishnu's Couch Pose) and a big invitation to "keep it chill".
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Sat, Sept 26 with Kenny
"Goodbyes" - Practicing letting go gracefully and opening ourselves up to new beginnings. Featuring fluid sequencing and sweet transitions.
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Thurs, Sept 24 with Kenny
"Season of Shift" - Vata balancing class for Early Fall. Featuring grounding practices that help balance the air element within.
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