Tues, Sept 29 with Kenny
Kenny Frisby
1h 0m
"Anantasana" - Today's practice is inspired by the mythological serpent Ananta and its ability to remain calm in response to surface drama. Featuring "Anantasana" (aka Vishnu's Couch Pose) and a big invitation to "keep it chill".
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3tBVp7LHWAgOxiIfDm3Ldh?si=wFrQtcrGSHGPGn1388O9dQ
Up Next in Kenny Frisby
Sat, Sept 26 with Kenny
"Goodbyes" - Practicing letting go gracefully and opening ourselves up to new beginnings. Featuring fluid sequencing and sweet transitions.
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6TSIkSt6TwbwhsB7petHJF?si=VgGzuRcYTaC5uo3IF8ywgQ
Thurs, Sept 24 with Kenny
"Season of Shift" - Vata balancing class for Early Fall. Featuring grounding practices that help balance the air element within.
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3T9qCPnMo4jDaJHcL8w0pW?si=khak-yyKT7y9MVDChmmDbg
Sat, Sept 19 with Kenny
"Girl on Fire" - RBG tribute class with a focus on persistence, resilience, and service to the greater good!