2/11/21 with Kenny
Kenny Frisby
1h 0m
"Heart Warming" - 3rd & 4th Chakra class, tending to the fire of the belly to burn upwardly and warm the heart fostering feelings of friendliness and compassion.
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3F0qn9RUVVsCP6OJkf4ouF?si=ey2ymmIrSPOTg-r8h6ef6Q
Up Next in Kenny Frisby
2/8/21 with Kenny
"Take Up Space" - Class inspired by civil rights pioneer Claudette Colvin's historic seat she took in opposition of segregation. Featuring spacious movement, firefly, twisted prasaritas, & skandasana.
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4t7v9goK3T7wgOXVYcfwvR?si=rpToKH0lRPSh_F5kdMm7VA -
Tues Feb 2 with Kenny
"Tapas in Action" - In this class we explore the third Niyama "Tapas" which can be translated as "the friction of going against habit, complacency, or what's easy".
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Qdc02R5kGsN8bQm8vMPvC?si=SjE4x4SSTn--fm4ENDHFqw
Tues, Jan 26 with Kenny
"Practicing Letting Go" - When you slow the Mantra AUM down, each syllable represents a different stage of life - beginning(Ah), middle(Uu), & end(M). Everything in nature, including our lives, experiences, and relationships are all subject to this cycle. The better we get at not being atta...