Sat, Jan 16 with Kenny
Kenny Frisby
1h 17m
"Advanced Tree Pose" - This practice pulls on the wisdom of Tree Pose to inspire similar qualities in our lives off of the mat.
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Up Next in Kenny Frisby
Thur, Jan 14 with Kenny
"Search for Truth" - Third Chakra class tapping into one's sense of "inner sight" and knowing. Using twists and focused breath work to strengthen the tool of discernment within so that we're better able to navigate truths/untruths with more grace.
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Tue, Jan 12 with Kenny
"Digesting Life" - This class is inspired by TCM and the Stomach Meridian. We'll use focused movement and poses to stimulate digestion... both physically and emotionally.
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Sun, Jan 10 with Kenny
"Heart Protection" - Inspired by TCM and the Pericardium Meridian, this practice focuses on protecting the heart from excessive emotional energy produced by other organs.
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