9/21/24 - Integration with Kenny
Kenny Frisby
Integration - Exploring twists and deep hip openers. Learning to loosing into the flow and incorporate grace when there's a plot twist or change in life.. Surprise guest teacher moment about half way thru... (it's Harvey!!)
Up Next in Kenny Frisby
9/14/24 Getting Organized with Kenny
Getting Organized - Creating peaceful patterns in our body and being with mantra and movement.
9/7/24 - Familiar Territory with Kenny
Familiar Territory - Coming back to our practice, our breath, and our body to help us feel grounded when change is in the air.
8/3/24 - Cool it with Kenny
Cool it! Unfolding and creating space in the body in order to lessen the heat that is generated and COOL off!
spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6LtdEIcLzH6tXtQ7zWRySc?si=09939399328f4fee