9/7/24 - Familiar Territory with Kenny
Kenny Frisby
Familiar Territory - Coming back to our practice, our breath, and our body to help us feel grounded when change is in the air.
Up Next in Kenny Frisby
8/3/24 - Cool it with Kenny
Cool it! Unfolding and creating space in the body in order to lessen the heat that is generated and COOL off!
spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6LtdEIcLzH6tXtQ7zWRySc?si=09939399328f4fee
7/27/24 - Compassionate Truth Telling...
Compassionate Truth Telling - Exploring the space between our head and heart, at the 5th chakra, where the energy is associated with communication and self expression.
7/13/24 - Cosmic Dancer with Kenny
Cosmic Dancer - Embracing the power and potency of dance. Movement is medicine, all you have to do is set your body in motion.
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2RuiMSrU7MonoUCpoX9qqV?si=e023f64e352a4f4b