2/13/22 - Empty It Out
5 Class Pack w/ Kenny (March - June 2021) / $35
Empty It Out - Practice leaving space for what is or what's becoming, and not filling up our consciousness with what "might-be". Class features shoulder openers & binds.
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1PLkfcT8EOxaecOfVf2oBY?si=qgDUm75HT-Oceoq5XZesvw
Spotify -
Up Next in 5 Class Pack w/ Kenny (March - June 2021) / $35
5/28/22 - Creative Offering
Creative Offering - Channeling emotional pain into a creative offering. Sequencing includes hip-openers, flying pigeon, vishnu's couch pose
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0V2aFFMlpRyG2wqRq7siQm?si=bqjuux7_SYGABNNxEh2oJw
6/11/22 - Our Rights
Our Rights - This practice begins with a short Bija mantra or seed mantra meditation to reestablish, within yourself, the "rights" associated with each chakra. Use this 60 minute flow to reconnect to the essence of belonging, feeling, acting, loving, speaking, seeing, and knowing.
Spotify - htt...