10/26/24 - Lift the Veil with Kenny
Kenny Frisby
Lift the Veil - It's said the veil between spirit and self if the thinest around Halloween (Samhain). This creative offering incorporates a "lifting of the veil" movement and breathing practices in order help perceive one highest self or spirit self.
Up Next in Kenny Frisby
10/12/24 - Fire of Transformation wit...
Fire of Transformation - Gently turning up the heat, stoking the fire within. 3rd chakra class with a focus on twists and side extensions.
9/28/24 - Updating Systems with Kenny
Updating Systems - Tapping into compassion and connecting with one's heart. Heart opening and twist focused class.
9/21/24 - Integration with Kenny
Integration - Exploring twists and deep hip openers. Learning to loosing into the flow and incorporate grace when there's a plot twist or change in life.. Surprise guest teacher moment about half way thru... (it's Harvey!!)