12/19/21 - Today
Kenny Frisby
1h 1m
"Today" - Practice being present with presence. Sequencing includes squat, crow, head stand with block.
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2NZPgeHDwbatgK5ntqnKNR?si=ayQxfs74R9iAm0VmwMnGTA
Up Next in Kenny Frisby
12/12/21 - PowerFULL
"PowerFULL" - Tap into what powerful inside to help us transcend the limitations of the mind and align us with our fullest potential. Sequencing includes Handstand, deep twists, chin stand
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5xYOJIPr2jPP8zsYGSKqDi?si=CKQMkTD4STmwfpAvd9sCMA
12/21/21 - Folding & Unfolding
"Folding & Unfolding" - Winter solstice practice that invites us to turn inwardly. Sequencing features "folding and unfolding" with Child's pose, "trip step", standing Marichyasana, supported paschimottanasana, and seated meditation
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1snW9Sec1L0OJ2Q...
12/17/21 - FLOW & GO
Set up a peaceful precedent within by adding a few minutes of stillness and quiet to your daily practice. Allow this feeling to be the foundation of your being as you navigate all of life's experiences on and off the mat.
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3fuEnHUCecERPLG61nmL8m?si=-F...