3/18/22 Yoga for Finding the Truth (Among the BULLSH*T)
5 Class Pack with Ali (March thru June) / $35
1h 18m
A practice to encourage our own Inner Teacher. Shoulder opening, inversions, backbend-y. Spotify PL: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4y0YZvJfF5bmcEXZWyMagY?si=0c32c9c6c366435e
Up Next in 5 Class Pack with Ali (March thru June) / $35
3/25/22 Yoga For Confidence
How can our yoga practice support our confidence? Tune in and find out. Reading from "This is How" by Augusten Burroughs. Third Chakra twisty practice. You will need at least one block. Spotify PL: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1hLk6AgHAMSD43sdsn1rcx?si=55613dfdef844ac5
3/3/22 Yoga for FORGIVENESS
Inspired by Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, this fourth chakra practice incorporates some arm balancing and hip mobility strengthening, followed by deep stretching and a restorative. You will need two blocks. Spotify PL: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7KsUvuzhVyEhgpZqcklt3Y?si=2fd6b463a40c4c69
4/8/22 Jivamukti-Ish Yoga
Ali's tribute to her past, hanging out at Jivamukti on Lafayette in the early 2000's. Expect Surya Namaskar A & B, plus all the standing poses, a few inversion options, backbending and forward bending. The lineage went: Krishnamacharya to Pattabhi Jois to Sharon Gannon and David Life to Dana ...